How to Write a Eulogy

One of the most important parts of a funeral that can help tie everything together is the eulogy. A eulogy helps us remember the times we shared with our loved one, starts conversations, and helps capture our loved one’s life story. 

Don’t know where to start when it comes to writing a eulogy? That’s OK. At Trinity Memorial Gardens, we’re here to help you. Below are 7 steps that you can take to help write your loved one’s eulogy. 

  1. Interview family and friends

You don’t have to feel like the complete weight of remembering your loved one is on your shoulders. Ask family members or friends to share their stories of your loved one. This process itself can be very cathartic, as the act of remembering and sharing can help in the healing process itself.

  1. Tell a Story (or stories)

Everyone at the service will appreciate your personal memories of your loved one. Don’t worry about remembering each detail, perfectly; just share the details that matter to you. To think about a good story, try out some of these prompts:

  • What’s a favorite memory you have?

  • What made them laugh?

  • What was their proudest moment in life?

  • What made them the happiest?

  • What’s a little known fact about your loved one?

These questions will help you to remember some enjoyable stories and can serve as a starting point.

  1. Don’t think about it as public speaking

Yeah, you might be speaking in front of a lot of people, but just know, no one is judging you or analyzing what you’re saying. They’re simply listening and appreciating, and thinking about their own personal connection to your loved one. However, if you want to feel more confident while delivering your lines, it can be helpful to write everything down in case you experience a moment of nerves up there, as we all often do.

  1. Keep it brief

Share as much as you want to share, but don’t feel that you have to overburden yourself with pages of stories. Choose the one or two that are most meaningful to you, and you’ll have a eulogy that truly does justice in celebrating your loved one.

  1. Read it out loud

Practice your eulogy prior to the service. Read it out loud to yourself or to a trusted family member or friend. They’ll help calm any nerves, make any suggestions about what resonates the most with them, or pick out any particularly inspirational elements to focus on further.

  1. Humor heals

It’s OK, and perfectly acceptable, to be funny or tell a humorous story in a eulogy. At a time that brings sadness to many people, it is important and also very helpful to be celebrating a life well lived with funny memories and entertaining anecdotes.

  1. Take a deep breath

Finally, relax. It can be difficult given all that you’re going through right now, but be at peace knowing that you’re honoring and celebrating your loved one.

Looking for some inspiration of what others in your situation wrote when they were in your shoes? Here are some examples of some truly inspiring words written in honor of deceased celebrities. And just remember, speak what you feel and your eulogy will turn out perfectly.

If you feel that you still need help writing a eulogy, you can always contact us at Trinity Memorial Gardens. We’re here to help you get through some of the most difficult times in your life. You can call us at (727) 376-7824 or visit our website.



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