Burial Vs Cremation

When it comes to our afterlife, there is no easy answer. While you may have indicated your wishes before your death, the ultimate decision comes down to your family. The decision is also affected by your budget, religious and personal beliefs, and other intangible factors. The decision to cremate is on the rise. According to the Cremation Association of North America (CANA) , the rate has grown from 48.6 in 2015, expecting to rise to 54.3 by 2021. A recent study by Harris Poll, commissioned by the Funeral and Memorial Information Council (FAMIC,) reported that 65% of Americans were definitely or likely to choose to be cremated. The rise in popularity is often thought of because cremation cost is considered less expensive. While this is most likely the case, other “ala carte” options often increase the price, where it’s higher than a traditional burial cost. Both cremation and burial have pros and cons. We’ve narrowed down the pros and cons for you to make an informed decision:...